Released by Gabriel Jacquel for Rainbox Productions
“Hark Hark, My Friend, Cannon Thunders Are Swelling” is probably the song that best represents the dark side of Henry Darger’s work. This animated video created by Gabriel Jaquel is inspired by a double-sided diptych from the collection at the Musée d’Art Moderne in Lille. It tells us of the Vivian Girl’s desperate escape from the wrath of war of cruel adult nations. In his epic 15,000 page novel, “Realms of the Unreal”, Darger wrote that “women are braver than men, which is proven in all circumstances.” So the outcome will be greater for the heroines and a brighter future. ” Philippe Cohen Solal
with the support of Pictanovo régions haut de france & CNC, LAM, CNM.
Listen to the single edit here : Philippe Cohen Solal & Mike Lindsay featuring Adam Glover & Hannah Peel
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