The Shoah (or Annihilation) revealed the industrialization of death and the worst of our humanity. Also when the German artist Ilana Lewitan, asks the question “Adam, where are you?” »We must hear “Human, where are you? »And as a subsidiary question: what would have happened to Jesus, if he had lived in 1938?
For this exhibition currently presented at the Museum of Egyptology from Munich, Philippe Cohen Solal created a thirty-minute musical piece that mixes ancestral songs, survivors voices, and organic sound textures, all crossed by the ethereal accordion of young Israeli conductor Omer Meir
Wellber. This powerful soundtrack tells in parallel of Ilana Lewitan’s art installation, a story of brutality, pain and rebirth.
Visit the exhibition in Munich, more info here
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ADAM, WO BIST DU? Exhibition Soundtrack by Philippe Cohen Solal10,00€ Including VAT